
I grew up in Connecticut and my husband, Mark, and I like to say we married the north and the south. I call him my P.I. man (prayed in. ) I was fortunate to be raised by Christian parents and have two brothers. One of my greatest joys continues to be times when we can all be together. We can be loud, but we have a lot of fun and we laugh until we cry. I consider my mom to be one of my best friends, and I am blessed to have her guiding hand and mentoring in my life.  It is my hope that I can be that spiritual mom for my three daughters, Megan, Mikayla and Morgan.

Over the years I have worked with children as a school-based therapist, foster care worker, an elementary teacher, a tutor, and a home school mom. Currently I lead the birth-5th grade ministry at MVCC.  I am passionate about connecting people, and I love the  amazing volunteer leaders I get to serve alongside!

Favorite Color: Blue every time!

Favorite Pastime:  Reading

Favorite Book:  The Noticer by Andy Andrews

Favorite Food:  Sushi

Funny Quirk:  When I chew mint gum I sneeze twice!

Accomplishment that I am proud of: Earning two masters degrees-one in Social Work (The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2003, where I met my husband), the other in Education (Mary Baldwin, 2000.)